So this is obviously a heroes of might and magic inspired game no doubt. It even has many of the units very similiar. My question is are they attempting to re-make heroes on a new medium or do their own thing? Based and the significant amount of similarities Id assume the former. That being said I think theirs much more they could do to improve this game in many ways. However it is still a very good game. If you really liked heroes then you would most certainly like this game. And who didnt like heroes, I mean come on. One big improvement that the first palm heroes had that this one doesnt?!?!?!? LET ME CHOOSE MY ANGLE OF ATTACK. Kinda makes a huge difference for expert players. Other than that Id give this game a 4 but it does deserve a 5. Because no other game captures that heroes style game like this one and hopefully more people get into this game and help it grow. Also to the developers. Offer In Ap Purchases! You can acquire money to further your development of this very solid heroes remake.
Also more XL maps plz!!
sCrane421 about Palm Kingdoms 2 Deluxe for iPhone